Other Resources We Support

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Children’s Mental Health Series

“All of Kristin's books in the series have been reviewed for clinical accuracy and are endorsed by a registered social worker and two psychiatrists. The series describes the manifestations of mental illnesses, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, suggest various kid-friendly coping strategies and offer suggestions of what family and friends can do to support their loved ones.”


Maria’s Marvelous Bones

“While playing with her little brother on the couch, Maria falls and breaks her arm. Her father rushes her to the hospital, where Maria meets the nurses, doctors, X-ray technician, orthopaedic surgeon and cast technician who are responsible for healing her fractured arm. Maria learns all about how her body works and how bones heal — plus a little bit about being brave. Written by Dr. Carrie Kollias, an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of children, Maria’s Marvelous Bones educates young readers about bones as well as about the diverse members of the healthcare team who work together to help heal injury.”